Permit and Escort Information

When understanding trucking permit and escort information, you need to break it down into two categories. The first one is to understand the basic lingo for requirements and dimensions. The second is to know the individual states specific requirements and dimensions. Because states can vary regarding this information, it is best to have access to resources to the information, so you can look up what each state's requirements and dimensions are on any given shipment. has all the state requirements organized by state for your review. This article will focus on the first category, which is to understand the basic fundamentals of the requirements and dimensions you will need to understand.
State Permit & Escort Information
State regulations can change or update and you should always contact the states directly for the most current information.

Red Flags

When talking to anyone associated with hauling an oversize or overweight load always be looking for the red flags. The red flags are things that don't add up or can't be answered. Someone with limited experience will likely send red flags when talking about a shipment. Demand answers that provide accurate information before committing to hauling an oversize or overweight load.

Valid Permits

A permit is generally valid for only a set number of dates. It's important that the driver stick to a schedule as best as they can to avoid having to reapply and order new permits if they miss the eligable dates of travel.

Operating Time

There are several restrictions to travel and vary between states. Here are a few things to keep in mind when discussing operating time.
  • Weekdays & Weekends: The allowed operating times will likely vary between weekdays & weekends, and holidays.

  • Dimensions: Permitted dimensions can change what operating hours allowed.

  • Sunrise & Sunset: Restrictions before sunrise and after sunset are often enforced.

Restricted Travel

The driver must be aware when travel is restricted in a state. These can be because of holidays, dimensions, or routes.

Legal Dimensions

Legal dimensions refer to the overall dimensions allowed, that do not require a permit or escort. These do vary, but most states have the following common dimensions:
  • Length - 80' overall, but can refer to trailer length or commodity length.

  • Width - 8'6"

  • Height - 13'6" overall, but many western states have higher legal limits on some routes.  You might have less than 13'6" on routes as well.

  • Weight - 80,000 lbs gross.  State regulations will list max legal weights by axle group as well.
When discussing a load, you want to be familiar with the overall dimensions to ensure the it can operate legally on the route the driver will take. When the dimensions exceed these limits, permits will be required.

Routine Permit Limits

When a load requires permits, there is usually a range in which only a permit is required. Beyond this range, then other requirements might be imposed like escorts, super load status, or no travel allowed.
Be sure you review each state for their allowable permit limits.


Escorts can be a lead vehicle, follow vehicle, both a lead and follow vehicle, pole car, or police. Typically the bigger the load the more likely you are going to need escorts. A load that requires escorts will cost more, travel slower, and take more miles depending on routing. All these items mean that the cost and complexity of the load goes up. An experienced driver, dispatcher, and company should be used with these types of loads.

Communicate, Confirm, Continue

  1. Communicate - Ask questions and discuss load details so that the shipper, driver, and dispatcher are all on the same page.

  2. Confirm - Measure twice and order once.  Be sure dimensions are well understood to avoid issues out on the road for not having accurate dimensions and weights.  Know the route you intend to take and any restrictions that you might have.

  3. Continue - Once you have communicated the load details, confirmed the information, then continue to order permits and haul the load.
Permit & Escort Information By State
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