Owner Operator Recruiting

Trucking Agents understand the value of owner operator recruiting. We don't stop there however. At Trucking Agents, any user can recruit any other user no matter the type. Our organization is made up of Agents, Dispatchers, Owner Operators, and Fleet Owners. You may be familiar with owner operator recruiting. But, did you know you can also recruit dispatchers and agents?

Trucking Agents Recruiting User Types

  • Owner Operators
  • Fleet Owners
  • Dispatchers
  • Agents

Owner Operator Recruiting Example

Suppose you are an owner operator recruiting for Trucking Agents. Say you have a friend who works for someone as a dispatcher. You, as the owner operator, could explain to your friend what Trucking Agents is and what they do. Discussing how your friend could dispatch from home and make more money while doing it. You would received a commission for recruiting that dispatcher.

Make More Money

It is possible that an owner operator could earn more in recruiting commissions than he is charged by Trucking Agents for providing professional dispatching services. Just by word-of-mouth advertising, the owner operator could recruit other drivers, fleets, dispatchers, and agents. The earnings from recruiting commissions could be more than he is being charged as a customer of Trucking Agents. This means our customers, the owner operators and fleet owners, can recruit others and earn income for their business. Every User of Trucking Agents is recruited by another user of Trucking Agents. So, don't let this opportunity pass you by. Start recruiting Agents, Dispatchers, Owner Operators and Fleet owners and start earning more money.
A couple important points about recruiting. A recruiter will continue to earn commission only as long as they both continue to be active users of Trucking Agents. Only one user can be assigned as a recruiter of another user, there is no splitting recruiting commission with more than one user.
An owner operator who is looking for dispatch service. Or a fleet owner who is looking for dispatch service. Anyone who has been directed by Trucking Agents to sign up through 'Create Account'. If any of these are you, click the button below and get started.
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Cenay Nailor
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